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Gazebo House, 52, Gulmohar Road, Opp. Cross Road No. 7, Jvpd Scheme
Santacruz (W), Mumbai-400049 (Maharashtra)

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Agitator Seals * Automatic Refill Units * Bearings * Buffer Or Barrier Fluid Systems * Cartridge Seals For Reactors * Cartridge Seals For Slurry Pumps * Closed Loop Systems * Components * Compressor Seals * Couplings * Cyclone Separators Filters * Double Cartridge Seals For Pumps * Double Cartridge Seals For Slurry Application * Dry Seals For Reactors * Elastomer Bellows Seals * Engineered Seals * External Flush Systems * Fabric Expansion Joints * Fibre Gasket Sheets * Fugitive Emission Products * Gas Lubricated Seals * Gas Supply Systems * Glass Fiber Seals And Tapes * Graphite Gasket Sheets * Graphite Seals And Tapes * Heat Exchangers * Injectable Packings * Instrumentation * Leakage Control Systems * Liquid Lubricated Seals * Manual Refill Pumps * Marine Seals * Mechanical Seals * Mechanical Seals For Pumps * Mechanical Shaft Seals * Metal Bellow Seals * Metal Bellows Seals * Metal Expansion Joints * Metallic Gaskets * Mica Gasket Sheets * Multi Spring Seals * Multisegment Carbon Seal Rings * Oil Lubricated Seals * P. T. F. E. Gasket Sheets * P. T. F. E. Sealants And Tapes * Packings For Pumps * Packings For Valves * Pressure Booster Systems * Pumps * Pumps Mechanical Seals * Pusher Seals * Quench Fluid Systems * Rubber Expansion Joints * Separation Seals * Shaft Seals * Shaft Sleeves * Single Coils Spring Seals * Split Seals * Standard Cartridge Seals * Stern Tube Seals * Thermosiphon Systems * Turbines Mechanical Seals * Chemical Plants (Mechanical Shaft Seals) * Agitators (Mechanical Shaft Seals) * Mechanical Seal * Single Coil Spring Seals
